About Us

Here’s what you should know about COExist:

COExist is a mentorship program for students in the College of Engineering at Northeastern. Upper-class mentors are paired with first-year mentees in a one-on-one mentorship based on similar interests and goals. Mentors and mentees will have the chance to learn and grow from each other while developing their professional skills. We will also host weekly meetings. Every other week we will provide an informational seminar and Q&A and during the other weeks the meetings will be an open space for members to get together, study, hangout, and become friends. COExist focuses on personal growth, gaining knowledge, and building relationships. Members will be able to gain a network and knowledge for life.

COExist was formed during the Fall of 2020

During the Fall of 2020, COExist was founded with 25 mentees and 25 mentors. COExist ran during the Fall of 2020 – Spring of 2021. During this first year, each mentor and mentee pairing created their own meeting schedule that worked best for them. We also held weekly informational crash courses and Q&As that covered various topics about Northeastern and the College of Engineering. COExist is now in the process of registering to become an official student organization so that it can become a club this fall. In the fall, COExist will match mentors and mentees and continue to host informational seminars.

Being a Member of COExist

COExist is a club for students that was created by students. We understand that students are busy and have varying amounts of time to spend on clubs. Because of this, we have created a laid back environment where members can spend as much or as little time as they want. Mentor and mentee pairings can choose how often they want to meet based on their busy schedules. We will host biweekly informational sessions and Q&As where members can learn new things and get answers to their questions. These informational sessions will be recorded and provided to members as a resource. During the weeks that informational sessions are not being hosted, COExist will provide a space where members can get together, do homework, and hang out. Members can choose what and how often to attend based on their schedules.