Seminar Overview

The second COExist seminar covers combined majors, minors, switching majors, 4 vs 5 years, spring vs fall co-op, plan of study, co-ops, co-op application process, co-op etiquette, and transitioning from classes to co-op. A PDF version of this presentation can be found below. Information about each topic can also be found below under the “Seminar 2 Details” section. Once the presentation date has passed, a recording of this presentation will become available as well.

Seminar 2

The link to the PDF version of Seminar 2 can be found below.

Seminar 2 Details

Combined Majors

Learn about different combined majors that are possible for students in the College of Engineering and the logistics involved.

Switching Majors

Learn about switching majors within the College of Engineering, the requirements for switching your major, and information on criteria and deadlines.

Spring vs Fall Co-Op

Learn about the pros and cons of spring vs fall co-op, the differences between the two cycles, and how to switch your assigned co-op cycle.


Learn about the purpose of co-op, knowing your worth when choosing a co-op, the benefits of completing co-ops, and the different kinds of co-ops you can do.

Co-Op Etiquette

Learn how to converse professionally, check in with supervisors, problem solve, and what to wear.


Learn about the requirements for getting a minor, double counting courses, and which minors are available.

4 vs 5 Years

Learn about the differences of doing four vs five years, how many co-ops you can do, and about the possibility of doing a plus one degree.

Plan of Study

Learn about what classes to include in your plan of study, what to look out for when choosing classes, different concentrations for CivE and BioE, and where to find example plan of studies.

Co-Op Application Process

Learn about how to search for a co-op, how to interview, how to choose which co-op you want, and how to create a co-op.

Transition from Classes to Co-Op

Learn what your week will look like while on co-op, different ways to travel to co-op and about time management.