Seminar Overview
The first COExist seminar covers summer classes, NUTerm, research, REUs, global experiences, clubs, and balancing activities. A PDF version of this presentation can be found below. Information about each topic can also be found below under the “Seminar 1 Details” section. Once the presentation date has passed, a recording of this presentation will become available as well.
Seminar 1
The link to the PDF version of Seminar 1 can be found below.
The link to the recording of Seminar 1 can be found below.
Seminar 1 Details
Summer Classes
Learn about the summer 1 and summer 2 semesters and the format and cost of a summer semester.
Learn about using work study to fund your research, how to find research opportunities, and resources to assist with finding research.
Global Experiences
Learn about global experiences at Northeastern such as semester abroad, global co-op, summer semester abroad, and dialogue of civilization.
Balancing Activities
Learn how to decide which activities to join, how to plan your time, how to say no when you are doing to much, and how to take a break.
Learn what NUTerm is, about the social events that you can participate in during NUTerm, the benefits of participating in NUTerm, and the registration process for NUTerm classes.
Learn what an REU is, when to apply by, what is required for an application, and what kind of opportunities are available.
Learn about the different types of clubs that exist at Northeastern, clubs specific to the College of Engineering, and the benefits of joining clubs.